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A Life of Gratitude


Are you Grateful today? Have you ever had a thought on how grateful are you today and why? Does it make life easier or better?  We as adults and kids too, sometimes have a hard time showing gratefulness. It’s always easy to want more and believe life would be much better if we had everything we wanted, isn’t it!

Well, isn’t always that way with Grateful people who knows that a peaceful heart comes from appreciating what they have and from being thankful for love, joy, and health in their lives, not just by relegating gratitude to one day a year. However, by developing an “Attitude of Gratitude” in their life every day and is one of the simplest ways to improve your satisfaction with life.

So, what makes you Grateful?

Grateful | Good Info Net

Sometimes it is the small things in life—looking at your parents smile, hearing your children laugh, nonstop conversations with your bestie, a piping hot cup of chai, or even your dog loyally greeting you at the front door. Pay attention to the things that make you smile, bring you relief, and make you feel alive. When you have bad day at work, take deep breathe and close your eyes think about what you look forward to family, friends or anyone who brings joy and gleam on your face. Focusing on the good can help combat any negative beliefs and feelings

The benefits of a regular gratitude practice are nearly endless, but here are five to consider:

      I.        Gratitude is Contagious

Gratitude leads to more gratitude. With this thankfulness comes appreciation and compliments, part of being grateful comes with wanting to return some of the kindness and joy that you have been feeling back into the world.

Gratitude Is Contagious - Gratitude - Sticker | TeePublic

    II.        Gratitude Strengthens Relationships

Perceiving that the good times outweigh the bad times can help build and sustain relationships. Forgiveness becomes easier and relationships with loved ones are no longer taken for granted. This gratefulness helps battle any existing feelings of resentment and will help you value the goodness that the relationship brings to your life.

31 Benefits of Gratitude: The Ultimate Science-Backed Guide

   III.        Gratitude Can Help Reduce Anxiety and Depression

Gratitude can boost your positivity and optimism that helps to strengthen your mental toughness and you may find yourself more resilient when challenges or times of sadness come your way.

New Collection of Apps Can Reduce Depression and Anxiety by 50% - Hey Sigmund

  IV.        Grateful people sleep better

Writing in a gratitude journal improves sleep, studies have proven that spending 15minutes journaling a few grateful moments before bed helps you sleep better and longer.

The Noise That Will Help You Sleep Better | SonicTonic

    V.        Gratitude increases mental strength

Gratitude not only reduces stress, but it may also play a major role in reducing a multitude of toxic emotions, ranging from envy and resentment to frustration, regrets and overcoming trauma.

5 Essential Steps to Developing Mental Strength | Wealthy Gorilla

For the last four years, I write daily about 5 things I am grateful for.It has completely transformed my life! We do not always have to be grateful for material or big things in life. In fact, it has the very elusive moments and experiences that enrich our life. Where our attention goes is what we draw more into our life. It’s the time to celebrate what we’re thankful for. 

Here are a few tips and strategies for improving your sense of gratitude:

1.Keep a journal.Write down anything that makes you smile throughout the day. This could be waking up to witness sunrise or receiving a good morning message from loved one or even a line from a book you read today.

How Important Is It To Keep A Journal By Your Bed? - The Sleep Matters Club

2. Try meditation.This helps release stress and can clear your mind and body of any negative thoughts or energies. After feeling relaxed, you will have a clean slate and can start thinking more positivity.

Blog – Dr. Raj Kulkarni

3.Voice your appreciation.Did someone help you through a hard time or did someone’s act of kindness help you have a better day? Tell them! Making another person feel good will make you feel even better.

Every little appreciation - Businessday NG

Recognizing what makes you grateful is one step in the right direction in reaching a healthy mindset. Appreciation of life’s little pleasures will help you learn to enjoy life even more.

The Importance Of Practicing Gratitude

Gratitude is the door to Happiness  


The Above Article is Written by 

Rekha Kantilal

An avid dog lover and traveller by heart, she love going out, meeting new people and generally getting the most out of life – whether that’s trying new places and restaurants or picking up a new hobbies or sport or learning new skills.

An IT professional by choice and an entrepreneur by passion, new adventures and  broader horizons  are always her calling.

A carefree dancing soul who’s blessed with the joy of life, naturally curious and constantly learning and soaking up information everywhere she go.

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So what are you grateful for today?

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