Home Monday Muse by Rekha You are woman, that’s your Super power

You are woman, that’s your Super power


We are women and this is a powerful thing. It’s time you believe it

When you think of a strong woman, what picture comes to your mind?

Many see her as bold and fearless, full of confidence and knows exactly who she is. She always knows what to do and she always does the right thing. But I think we’ve got it wrong.

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A strong woman is not fearless, she’s full of all kinds of fears. Fears about her present and her future. She fears for her family and she fears for her community and for her world. She’s anxious, not confident and in fact full of insecurities. She wonders how she can better herself and the people around her. She is full of worries, how she will be perceived and is she good enough. She doesn’t know what to do and in fact gets in wrong it half the time.

Well though she is full of fears, she acknowledges it but she will not let it determine her decisions. And she chooses to persevere and shows up for the things that matter.

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A strong woman has many insecurities, but that’s because she pushes herself to be uncomfortable. She makes an effort to do the things she’s never done because she knows growth can only happen when she steps out and takes a risk.

She doesn’t always know what to do, but makes the hard decisions anyways. She hopes for the best with everything she does and fails but she keeps trying.

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A strong woman doesn’t yet fully know who she is, doubt herself and her decisions. She wears various hats as wife, mom, sister or daughter, or boss and friend. She has to be tough and at the same time a nurturer or all of these things and more all in one day. And she does it and finds herself, builds her identity.

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She is a single mom who has to be everything for her child, she is woman who after years of abuse gets the courage to leave that relationship, she’s the first time mom who despite anxiety embraces motherhood, she is that woman who decides to pursue her dreams and goals.

Motherhood is a blessing that only a woman can receive but it comes with a lot of responsibility. Raising a child with the best of everything takes huge responsibility and hard work. A woman always juggles between caring for the family and going forward with her professional life. She is designed to multi-task and can perform ten different things at the same time but at the end comes out as a winner.

Thoughts On Motherhood 18 Months Out | by Jessica Delfino | Medium

Women are the main contributors in building up a strong society. Women have always been a symbol of patience and power. We strongly believe that every day is the day of a woman, and women in herself is a celebration.

She’s every age, every size, and every color. She’s all around you and within you, waiting to be revealed. It’s time to unleash her and celebrate her. Woman, you are STRONG.

I dedicate this blog to strong & powerful women out in the world.

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Happy International Women’s Day!

Much Love








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