Home Lifestyle Factor by Annie Say no to Skin Whitening products!! Love your skin, love your complexion!

Say no to Skin Whitening products!! Love your skin, love your complexion!


Everyone is desirable, beautiful and no one is you, that is your super power!! 

I come across so many articles, blogs or videos where we are so obsessed with skin whitening products. The name in itself is so controversial and after doing a lot of research and reading about various product reviews, it has been obvious that skin whitening products are associated with suspicious chemicals. And trust me, I always raise a red flag whenever I see any skin whitening products because you should be cautious of when a label promises to ‘‘whiten” your skin.

I have also to clear the difference between skin brightening and skin whitening products.

There’s a significant difference between the two treatment options, and it’s important to distinguish between them in order to make safe and informed purchases. While both ‘brightening’ and ‘whitening’ products are aimed towards people who want more radiant and even toned skin with less noticeable hyperpigmentation, they have vastly different chemical compositions.

Skin Brightening – What Does It Entail?

‘Brightening’ products aim at reducing target areas of discoloration; this can include post-acne marks, sun-spots, hyperpigmentation related to age, and melanin concentrations in specific areas of the skin. The brightening product is used to increase radiance, restore vibrancy, and even out pigmentation — that is, to bring skin back to its original complexion, before it was scarred, marked, or otherwise discolored by sun, acne, or whatever else you’re battling.

I had blemished skin, oily skin, pimples, rashes, acne scars, and many other skin problems. I am so addicted to home remedies and I have shared quite a few face packs before as well to even out skin tone.  This process can be achieved through a number of natural ingredients which boost brightness, lighten discoloration, and increase the efficiency with which your skin produces new skin cells. Products designed to brighten will target specific areas of your dermis, and rely on ingredients like Vitamin C, plant-based retinol, and alpha hydroxy acids.

Let me explain how it works? Our skin is constantly renewing itself through production of new skin cells, connective tissue, and collagen — replacing older skin with healthy and living cells. However, our bodies aren’t always so efficient when it comes to sloughing away old skin cells, meaning that sometimes they can sit at the surface of our dermis, causing dullness, patchiness or discoloration. Brightening ingredients effectively exfoliate and slough away these old skin cells, revitalizing the skin’s surface so it appears brighter, smoother, and more mono-tone.

Skin Whitening – what does it Entail?

‘Whitening’ products, on the other hand, aren’t about targeting specific areas of discoloration – but rather entire face. They’re designed to lift the shade of entire complexion, by pumping the brakes on melanin production, and bleaching existing melanin to a lighter tone. If ‘brightening’ products are about bringing skin back to its original healthy state, ‘whitening’ products are more about making face several shades lighter. Over time, skin whitening creams can also result in thinning of skin and can cause permanent skin discoloration in areas that have been damaged.

Annie’s one of favorites Beauty Products for Skin Brightening-

The Body Shop – Drops of Light Brightening Serum –

  • Lightweight texture, that quickly absorbs into the skin.
  • Dull skin looks brighter and more radiant.
  • With regular use, skin appears smoother
  • Value for money
  • Vegan, for sure

Drop of Light Serum Review - Drops Of Light Brightening Serum 30ml

How to use

  • Apply 2-3 drops onto your face and onto cleansed skin
  • Gently massage into skin morning and evening

Anyapurba Sarkar (Annie)

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Disclaimer: Please note I am not a certified nutritionist/dietician or cosmetologist.


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