Home Meghana Talks Engaging Students to Learn / Learning to Learn

Engaging Students to Learn / Learning to Learn


When we strive to achieve, it’s later when we realise that we haven’t put enough into the process of learning. Maybe thinking if I had spent some time figuring out how I could learn in the best, We could actually save yourself a lot of time over the years. Well I do appreciate the irony of only thinking about how to learn mere moments before finishing with formal education, but as they say, the best time to plant a tree is ten years ago and the second-best time is now.

The only thing I know that works is committing time to the thing which we are trying to learn .Maybe very rarely we do set out to learn something and understand the key principles from the start.”

Well, learning requires students to participate in class, as opposed to sitting and listening quietly. Strategies include, but are not limited to, brief question-and-answer sessions, discussion integrated into the lecture, hands-on activities, and experiential learning events. Students should try and be mindful whilst engaging in it to try and understand concepts a bit more before moving on, but ultimately know that it is just about putting in effort over a long enough time.

Learning to Learn - Simple Programmer

Well here are some ways to make students engaged in learning…

Active learning:

To develop competence in an area of subject students must:

  • Have a deep foundation of factual knowledge.
  • Understand facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual framework.
  • Organize knowledge in ways that facilitate retrieval and application. But knowledge of a large set of disconnected facts is not sufficient.

Could Active Learning Be the Key To Paying Attention in Class?


Leading dynamic discussions:

While good discussions can be a powerful tool for encouraging student learning, successful discussions rarely happen spontaneously. Preparing ahead of time will help you delineate a clear focus for the discussion and set well-defined parameters.

Fostering Dynamic Classroom Discussions - Ideas on Fire

Teaching with technology:

In-classroom technologies – podium-based computers, wireless, real-time response systems e.g., clickers and web-based tools e.g., blogs, online forums, wikis, podcasts, etc. continue to change rapidly. These tools have a high potential for supporting student learning in creative and innovative ways when properly aligned with the instructor’s learning objectives and course.

Teaching With Technology – Social Web School


Service-learning refers to learning that actively involves students in a wide range of experiences, which often benefit others and the community, while also advancing the goals of a given curriculum. Making  students to attend workshop where they can interact socially with various people , so making them do social service based on their subjects of study can be really helpful.

The Teacher's Guide to Service Learning [+ 5 Examples] | Prodigy ...

Varied Pacing-understanding each student:

Most students will utilize a variety of learning styles when learning. In order to maximize a student’s learning potential, each student’s strengths and interests must be identified. Within a personalized learning model, each student has an individual up-to-date learner profile created. An making a environment around them so that they can understand their flaws and making sure that they come overcome those flaws through their learning environment.

How Does Personalized Learning Affect Student Achievement? | RAND

These are just some of the various reasons why engaging students in learning can be achieved through some effective methodologies. Although learning always takes places through different ways, but making sure that students engaged along learning process is always important.

 As “Students design their own learning path based on their interests and the learning methods that suits their needs”

Meghana Muralidharan is an interior designer and a content writer who always believes that designer can spark creativity and innovation, and assumes that through writing one can express their own ideas.

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Instagram:- https://instagram.com/meghna__murali?igshid=14ottu2mmya8o

Email-ID:- meghnanambiar22@gmail.com


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