Home General Labour Ministry launches national employment platform ‘Kawader’

Labour Ministry launches national employment platform ‘Kawader’



Doha: The Ministry of Administrative Development Social and Labour Affairs (MADSLA) has launched the national employment platform (Kawader), in which all jobs available in the State of Qatar in all sectors – in government bodies and private entities – will be displayed, with the aim of providing citizens with the opportunity to obtain jobs that suit their qualifications.

Job seekers will be able to register on the platform as of Monday, August 24, 2020, and 4,800 jobs will be offered in all specialties of various scientific qualifications starting September 2020.

Minister of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs HE Yousuf Mohammed Al Othman Fakhroo thanked Prime Minister and Minister of Interior HE Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz Al-Thani for his constant and continuous support for the national efforts aimed at employing national cadres in the government and private sectors, and for the approval of raising the rates of Qatarization in the private sector to 60%, and His Excellency’s directives to simplify procedures, remove bureaucratic obstacles, and speed up the completion of the conversion of all services provided to the public into electronic services.

The Minister affirmed that MADSLA has launched the National Employment Platform (Kawader), to be a flexible and easy way that enables job seekers to find job opportunities that match their qualifications and experiences in the government and private sectors, and link job nominations with the authorities directly to conduct personal interviews with job seekers without the need for the Ministry to intervene in the process of selecting the appropriate job and the entity.

The Minister said that these procedures are carried out electronically, starting with creating a CV, registering, selecting the appropriate job, and conducting a personal interview by the body concerned, up to the acceptance and appointment, adding that the Ministry’s role through the Kawader platform is to coordinate with the authorities to provide and offer job opportunities, follow up the registration processes and creation of a CV, in addition to guiding and counseling job seekers, and following up and coordinating with employers regarding interviews and appointment.

On Monday, August 24, the platform will be available for job seekers to log in, register and create CVs, and in September 2020, they will be able to view and choose the suitable jobs, HE the Minister said.

As a first stage, registration on the platform will be for female and male citizens who do not have jobs in order to get nominated and look into jobs in the government and private sectors, His Excellency said, adding that those born to Qatari mothers shall be nominated for jobs in the private sector.

He explained that Kawader comes as a part of the efforts taken to enhance the Ministry’s role in registering and following up on employment for jobs seekers in the public and private sectors, as the number of recruitments for 2019 reached 3,570 job seekers.

The Minister noted that national cadres wishing to obtain jobs should complete academic education in areas that are compatible with the requirements of the labor market to ensure rapid access to suitable job opportunities, or join the government scholarship program or professional training programs that allow them to choose the required specializations in the labor market, which will ensure them to get the right job.

The Minister called on all job seekers of various qualifications and experiences to take advantage of the services provided by the National Employment Platform Kawader, through the link provided by the platform, while praising the working team who developed the platform for their great efforts that led to its achievement in this distinguished way.

At a press conference held on the occasion of the launch of the National Employment Platform (Kawader), Assistant Undersecretary for Administrative Development Affairs Abdullah Musallam Al Dosari confirmed that the opening of registration will begin Monday, August 24, for 4,800 jobs in all state-owned entities or in which it contributes or subject to the retirement and pensions law that will be listed on the platform in September, pointing out that this number is subject to increase and includes all specializations and all qualifications.

He stated that the appointment of any employee is only for those registered with MADLSA, and a person may apply for one job for one entity, and if he was refused, he will be allowed to apply for another. When the entity accepts the job seeker, he will be appointed immediately. The ministry then follows up the recruitment process and attends some personal interviews.

Al Dosari advised high school students to take scholarships in the specializations needed by the labor market, as well as to join training programmes required for professional jobs so that the chances of acceptance for the job is guaranteed given the country’s needs for it.

The Assistant Undersecretary emphasized the ministry’s role in registering, nominating and following up the appointment of job seekers in proportion to their qualifications and experiences in the government and private sectors. This also includes the ministry’s supervisory role over registration processes, the creation of CVs in the National Employment Platform Kawader, in addition to the service of directing job seekers, following up and coordinating with employers regarding their appointment.

He added that the current registrants with the Ministry must register on the Kawader platform again and create a special CV because the platform needs more details. However, he added, the attachments by those who registered with the Ministry will be transferred to the platform and the person won’t need to attach what was previously attached.

Al Dosari indicated that the role of employers on the platform is to check candidates’ requests for jobs and to select job seekers who meet the job requirements available to them through Kawader, in addition to entering the results of interviews for candidates with acceptance or rejection.

Al Dosari reviewed how to identify job opportunities and include them on the platform, noting that government sector jobs require a budget approved by the Ministry of Finance and the government’s need for these jobs, as coordination is made between the Ministry and employment agencies to know their needs, the justifications for their request and the mechanisms for their localization. Likewise, coordination with companies in which the State contributes or is subject to the retirement and pensions law will be regarding jobs and their localization to include them in the National Employment Platform Kawader.

The Director of the National Human Resources Development Department Abdulaziz Hassan explained that the National Employment Platform made it easy for a job seeker to create a CV and search for a job through logging in to the National Authentication System then moving to the user’s data page to create a CV. He emphasized the importance of ensuring that personal data is entered into the system accurately with the required documents attached along with the academic level and experience.

He explained that the platform provides the job seeker with the opportunity to register and create the user’s CV, review available jobs and apply for them, get acquainted with the latest developments related to jobs added to the Platform, select the date for the interview and follow up on the latest procedures for the application.

The Director of Information Systems Department at the Ministry Mona Al Fadhli spoke about a number of points that must be followed to register on the Platform and the technical support for job seekers, noting that Kawader has been designed in an easy, scalable and secure manner and adopts data confidentiality and privacy.

She advised against using mobile phones in the registration process, and rely instead on laptops and computers, because the platform contain many services that are difficult to use from mobile phones.

She affirmed the existence of a team to provide technical support and communication with job seekers to facilitate the registration processes and help them overcome any obstacles they may face through using links on the Platform in addition to telephone numbers for communication.


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