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Qatar Youth Hostels




First Permanent Youth Hostel

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Richard Schirrmann, the leader of the international youth hostel movement, established the first permanent youth hostel in Al-Tana village in 1909. Gradually, the movement started spreading throughout most of Europe later becoming an international phenomenon. The first international conference for Youth Hostels Associations was convened in Amsterdam, Holland.

October 1932

International Federation of Youth Hostels Associations

In October 1932, The International Federation of Youth Hostels Associations was established and from that point on, the philosophy of the youth movement and its message started to rise, promoting peace and tolerance. The aim was to prepare young people by providing them with affordable housing and accommodation during their travels. The housing provided contained the needed elements and programs to build future leaders. In addition, these hostels were considered the perfect destinations for young people to be introduced to other cultures, build new bridges with different countries, develop an interest in the environment around them, becoming familiar with living according to a specific system as part of one team

1 December 1986

Qatar Youth Hostels Establishment

Later on, a group of young leaders saw the need to establish youth hostels in Qatar. The proposal was immediately submitted to the Supreme Council for Youth Welfare, which was then headed by HRH the Father Emir, Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani. The proposal was approved by his highness on 01/12/1986.

The Purpose Of Establishing Qatar Youth Hostels

The purpose of Qatar Youth Hostels is to contribute to in providing travelling youngsters with houses, camps, and suitable accommodation. Moreover, it was established to encourage youth to travel, study abroad, serve the environment, train them in independence, discipline, inspiring them to work in teams, to contribute into the community and to participate in different public services and religious, social, cultural, recreational and artistic programs.



  • Qatar Youth Hostels membership gives you an easy access to a network of safe and clean youth hostels (more than 4,000 across the world)
  • Eligible to be part of the youth hostels international movement
  • Makes you a priority in securing a place to stay and get a discount
  • Discounts included in residency, activities and trips to a number of youth hostels all over the world
  • Residency discounts – more than 20% off in over 40 youth hostel across the world
  • Participation in conferences, meetings and exchange visits to other countries in the region and the world.
  • Explore the world on a budget that fits all your needs
  • • Access to different facilities inside the assembly (video games and Sony consoles, pool table, table tennis, foosball, library and majlis)

Prices of membership cards:

  • One year: 60 QAR
  • Two years: 120 QAR

Required documents to apply for membership:

  • Copy of your ID or passport
  • Personal photograph
  • Completed membership application form


Worker Member

A Qatari person, who is accepted as a member in Qatar Youth Hostels, is entitled to be a part of the youth hostels network, participate in the activities, enjoy all his rights, and comply with all the rules related to this role.

Associate Member

A person who is a member of Qatar Youth Hostels for a limited period. There are two categories of members:

  • Qataris and non-Qataris
  • Under the age of 18

Honorary Member

A member who has fulfilled great services to the country and the nation, youth hostels or any other entity that aims to serve the public’s interest.
After getting the approval of the management, the member is granted this title and all the benefits and rights that come along with it, except for those related to deposing the manager.

Special Honorary Member

A member who has fulfilled great services to the country and the nation, youth hostels or any other entity in the field of youth-related work, for the period specified. After getting the approval of the management, the member is granted this title and all the benefits and rights that come along with it, except for those related to deposing the manager.

Membership conditions:

  • Must be 18 years old or above, except for associate members
  • Holds good conduct and reputation
  • No criminal record in any crime related to honor and integrity or a final judgment issued by the court unless the judgment was dropped and his innocence was proven.
  • Not to have a record of being expelled from a youth hostel before for reasons related to behavior, or national values and culture
  • To commit to all rules and regulations implemented inside the hostel

Rights and duties of the members:

  • To work on accomplishing the intended goals of the youth hostels and avoid anything that can harm the entity or its reputation
  • To abide by the regulation, rules and the general system implemented inside the hostel and follow the instructions of the management
  • Provide advice to the management when needed
  • Participate in the activities and programs of the hostel, and collaborate with other members when needed
  • Preserving and not vandalizing any of the facilities inside the hostel
  • Be aware of violating the system and implemented ethics in the hostel
  • Updating the personal data of members when needed

Welcome to Qatar Youth Hostels.

For your comfort and the convenience of all of our guests, please observe the following guidelines:

  • Keep our premises quiet. Avoid creating any excessive noise
  • Keep your room clean and tidy, and avoid littering on the facilities or common premises
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited on all Qatar Youth Hostels premises
  • No food is allowed outside of the dedicated areas for meals
  • Meal serving times are as follows:
    • Breakfast: from 7:00 am – 9:00 am
    • Lunch: from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Dinner: from 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
  • Guests are welcome on our premises, but not inside your room
  • Internet access is freely-available in the Hostels’ tent; please ask the administration for the access code
  • Qatar is an Arab and Islamic country, so please respect the national customs and traditions
  • For sustainability purposes and for a greener earth, please minimize water and electricity usage
  • For the security and safety of our dear guests, all premises are monitored by CCTV, except private quarters
  • Qatar Youth Hostels is not responsible for the loss of any personal belongings; please contact the administration for any inquiries
  • In case of any medical emergencies, contact the administration for first aid procedures
  • Contact the reception desk for any complaints, special requests or to report any maintenance requests needed for your room.
  • Please respect the entry and exit times. In case you are to be late outside the hostel, please inform the administration
  • We highly appreciate your feedback and evaluation of our services upon check-out. Please feel free to use the suggestion box in the reception area for any suggestions

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Qatar Travel Association

Is the Association of Qatari Travelers which supports their activities inside and outside Qatar, encourages them to travel and offer their experiences, and facilitate communication between adventurers and lovers of travel and migration.

  • Embracing Qatari travelers and supporting their internal and external activities.
  • Highlighting the role of Qatari travelers in society.
  • Encouraging travel and discovery of civilizations and cultures.
  • Enhancing the promotion of domestic tourism by visiting archaeological and tourist sites.

Value Ambassadors

The Project is designed for the preparation and empowerment of distinctive Qatari youth for a cultural and valuable system that can potentially help with the development and progress of the organizations, enterprises and projects that can enrich youth work.

  • To enhance the value and knowledge of Qatari youth.
  • Identify key tools for launching initiatives and projects.
  • Acquaintance with the experience owners to benefit from their scientific expertise.

Qatar explorer guide

A guide that presents the experiences and explorations of Qatari youth worldwide

  • Present youth experiences in the field of travel and tourism.
  • Encourage young people to travel, explore adventures and discover the world.
  • Enrich public knowledge about external societies, their characteristics, ideas, customs and traditions.
  • Provide a common space for young people to spread their discoveries, adventures and sharing with the world.

Discover Qatar in 144 Hours

A tourist program directed to youth groups from various youth hostels around the world to discover Qatar in 144 hours

  • Enhance internal tourism by visiting archaeological, tourist and sports sites…
  • Strengthen cooperation with various youth hostels in the world.
  • Promote values of understanding, tolerance and develop communication skills among young people.

Different Table

Is an invitation to a group of young Qataris and the same number young people from one of the communities residing in Qatar in coordination with schools and community councils to spend a full day together to get to know each other’s cultures and customs.

  • Exchange of youth experiences in the field of tourism and culture to identify other peoples.
  • Identify peoples’ cultures closely through dialogue and interactive participation among young people.
  • Establish dialogue and positive interaction through the popular dishes as a table, which represents an opportunity to meet ideas, exchange information and make friends.
  • Encourage Qatari youth to visit and discover other countries through what they notice during the meeting.

Doroub Program (Path Program)

A cultural tourism program is held every two weeks (Thursday and Friday). It includes trips to institutions of various fields, in order to introduce the scientific professional fields, as well as to stay in one of the youth centers and visit the most important archaeological sites in Qatar. The program includes multiple activities.

  • Discovering the professional orientation of young people and enhancing their awareness through workshops and educational programs and refining their talents in sports and cultural activities through the exploitation of their free time.
  • Motivating young people to the spirit of adventure, discovery and travel to promote internal tourism by visiting tourism and heritage sites.
  • Promoting self-reliance among young people and take responsibility and contribute to supporting positive friendships and social relationships among participants.
  • Strengthening the youth’s belonging to their homeland and their participation in building their community and pride in the Qatari identity and linking it to the positive behaviors that must be achieved by the camps and the travelers.
  • Strengthening cooperation with youth, sports and civil society institutions in the youth field.

Al Dalila (The Guide)

An initiative dedicated to the female component, which includes a series of programs and activities aimed at discovering the different aspects of tourism in Qatar such as eco-tourism, economic, health, sports and cultural.

An initiative dedicated to the female component, which includes a series of programs and activities aimed at discovering the different aspects of tourism in Qatar such as eco-tourism, economic, health, sports and cultural tourism.

  • Reviving the popular heritage and identifying the history of the country.
  • Strengthen cooperation with youth, sports and civil society institutions.
  • Promote internal tourism by visiting tourist and heritage sites.
  • Promoting awareness among participants through workshops, educational programs and workshops.

Louhat Diretna (Our Country Paintings)

A competition aimed at university student to promote tourism and highlight the tourist attractions in the State of Qatar from an artistic side.

  • Enabling young people to participate and encourage talented people to draw up tourism and heritage sites in the State of Qatar.
  • Enhance the touristic side and highlight the tourist and heritage places through art.
  • Set up an exhibition to display paintings.

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Qatar Youth Hostels

Safe, Clean, Affordable Accommodation

Qatar Youth Hostels is a place where guests are treated like friends! We offer warm Qatari hospitality and an opportunity to explore the land. At Qatar Youth Hostels we also provide the comforts of a hotel at budget prices, as well as an exciting array of youth-centered activities. With all that and more, we are one of Qatar’s best-kept secrets; waiting to be discovered by eager travellers, everywhere!

Contact Us 

+974 4421 7157


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