(1) How would you like to Introduce yourself?
I am a self-taught artist, I didn’t attend a fancy art school. I can’t drop names of influential artist mentors who helped shape my vision. I spend my evenings sketching, after putting in a full day’s work as a sales man. I used to believe my lack of an art degree was something to apologize for, that my art was somehow less legitimate than the art of someone who spent three years earning an M.F.A. But then I realized, I’ve been studying art for over 35 years. My education happens every day.
Apart from visual art I am percussionist and a writer.
(2) Tell Me Something About Your Family & How they have Supported you in achieving your Dream?
My wife and two kids, one boy and a girl, they are my biggest critics. Always motivating and giving a space for my art works.
(3) What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?
Going to the mosque with Dad during Ramadan, was one of my happiest moment when I was a child, Holding his hand and walking to the mosque was a proud moment for me.
(4) If you could go back in time and tell a younger version of yourself one thing, what would you tell?
Learn what your mind says
(5) If you could take a single photograph of your life, what would it look like?
It will look like a rising sun
(5) Tell Me Something About Your Hobby/Interest.
I write short stories, poems and Lyrics. I am percussionist too.
(6) Tell me 3 of your Bucket List items which are still pending to be fulfilled.
Need to direct a movie with my own story and I have trip plan to Singapore from India by land using public transport system.
(7) Tell me about your journey as an Artist.
I have started my journey actively 3 years ago, Before that I have participated in some competitions when I was at school but I couldn’t achieve anything, Now I have presented portraits to many people and I can see the smiling faces and many recognition from some famous people like Fahad Al Kubaisi, and some Indian movie actors. After I moved to Qatar started getting chances to collaborate to workshops for the art enthusiasts and done some exhibitions at reputed galleries like White Majlis at FBQ Museum.
(8) What kind of paintings do you generally do?
I usually do hyper realistic pencil and charcoal drawings, especially portraits
(9) What has inspired you to become an artist ?
One day I was randomly sketching the expected face of daughter when my wife was carrying her, after the delivery it looked similar to her then I started sketching often.
(10) A Few words about Qatar & how this place has helped you in fulfilling your dreams?
I have moved to Qatar 2 years back and this city is very much welcoming for arts with the places like Katara, Café 999 etc and I get more time after my day job. I have received my recognition and appreciation from the loving people of Qatar.
(11) What message do you want to give to our viewers?
Motivate yourself and chase your dream
(12) A Few Lines about Essence of Qatar.(Our Website).
Essence of Qatar is a one stop shop for the happenings and information and anything about Qatar
Rehin Kader
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