Home Lifestyle Factor by Annie Hair Vitalizing Mask

Hair Vitalizing Mask


Welcome to “Pretty Me Up by Annie”, where I will be sharing my journey and experiences culturing various natural and homemade techniques, cosmetics review and feedback, fashion and lifestyle tips which I have included in grooming myself. For me being healthy inside is most important which brings that natural and dewy glow outside, refreshing “The Mind and The Body”.

To start with, I am sharing a very simple hair mask in which the ingredients are readily available in the market and can be easily prepared at home. It serves three main purpose – growth, conditioning and shining of hair. I name this mask as “Hair Vitalizing Mask”

  • Aloe Vera – Aloe Vera juice helps maintain hair growth. It acts as a moisturizing agent as well which provides a soothing agent for the scalp.

Aloe Vera Gel – Moksha Lifestyle Products

  • Amla – Indian Gooseberry – it strengthens your hair follicles and promotes hair growth. It adds an overall shine and lustre of hair. It an important cleansing agent that removes oil and grease and product remains from sprays, gels, etc. thereby maintaining healthy scalp.

Amla at Rs 60/kilogram(s) | TNHB Colony | Madurai| ID: 11548583362

  • Egg Whites – It definitely helps in blotting out the oiliness from your hair and acts as a natural conditioner.

14 Amazing Benefits of Consuming Egg Whites

  • Honey –Of course, good smell for sure and can be added to any mask you prepare for hair or skincare routine. Being a humectants and containing proteins, minerals and vitamins, it strengthens the hair follicles, curbing hair fall and baldness.

Directions to use:


  • 1 small sized Amla (remove the seed)
  • 1 or 2 cubes of Aloe Vera (only the gel)
  • Two egg whites
  • 1 small tsp of honey


How to apply:

  • Mix all of them and grind it in mixer. Strain the mixture and put in the spray bottle. (the solid particles are removed)
  • Apply on the scalp and massage gently
  • Keep it for 30 to 45 minutes maximum


Tips: Use once or twice a month as the mixture is too acidic in nature. If you still want to use once a week, add coconut oil or any other hair oil.

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(DISCLAIMER:-Kindly note I am not a medical professional. Please consult a dermatologist for any serious medical condition or before applying anything on Face,Hair or body)


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