Home Lifestyle Factor by Annie Annie’s Hot Oil Therapy – Scents of Serenity

Annie’s Hot Oil Therapy – Scents of Serenity


Embarking into haircare routine is just like a normal skincare ritual. With so many varied haircare products available in the market, the process of adopting and identifying the right haircare product and routine becomes a little daunting. Out of the numerous options, one practice that I follow diligently is hot oil therapy for sure without fail. I feel this is one stop solution to all your hair problems externally.  You are definitely not going to notice dramatic results overnight but with a proper order of haircare routine and consistency it will yield productive results.

I coined the name “Scents of Serenity “as this solution is a concoction of 5 hair oils with a perfect blend of various fragrances with hair growth boosting properties from fenugreeks seeds and black seeds. Trust me, after you use this, you’re definitely going to get a spa-like feeling and mermaid like hair like never before.

Below is the Composition of the Hot Oil Therapy

Emami 7 oils

Which is in itself a unique blend of richness of argan, walnut, almond, jojoba, olive, coconut and amla (indian gooseberry) oil. It penetrates deep into the roots of dry and damaged hair to provide nourishment. I love this hair oil as it a mild and pleasant fragrance.

Emami 7 Oils in One Non Sticky Hair Oil Strong Inside, Set Outside ...

Olive oil

The best oil to condition your hair and add shine.

Olive Oil, Extra Virgin, Australian – Organic - Additive Free ...

Coconut oil

The only food for your hair, is coconut hair oil. I have been using since childhood to moisture my hair and reduce flaky scalp.

Is Coconut Oil Good or Bad for You? - The New York Times

Castor oil

It is good fat highly recommended to keep you scalp lubricated which increases flexibility and decrease the chance of breakage.

Castor Oil – Aussie Candle Supplies

Almond oil

The only oil which makes you hair grow faster and longer.

8 Great Benefits of Almond Oil for Hair, Face and Skin - NDTV Food

Fenugreek seeds

This kitchen ingredient is actually powerhouse of protein, nicotinic acid, which cure dandruff and hair fall. It has lecithin which hydrates the hair and strengthen the roots or hair follicles. It also helps in bringing back the moisture the hair and lustre.

Fenugreek Oil, Fenugreek Oil Uses and Benefits, Fenugreek Oil ...

Black seeds

It has thymoquinone which stops inflammation on hair follicles and restore normal hair growth cycle. It contains nigellone which moves the dormant hair follicles into an active growth phase.

16 Benefits of Black Seed Oil (Nigella sativa) - SelfHacked

How to make the mixture:

  1. Add 1 tsp of Emami 7 oils
  2. Add I tsp of olive oil
  3. Add 1 tsp of coconut oil
  4. Add I tsp of castor oil
  5. Add all the oils together and boil for 5 mins
  6. Now add the fenugreek seeds and black seeds and boil all the ingredients for 10 minutes and the color of the mixture changes.
  7. Strain the mixture and let it cool for 20 to 25 mins
  8. Put in the spray bottle and use it all over the hair and more on the scalp
  9. Let is stay for 2 hours and shampoo off


  1. You can boil the entire quantity from the oil bottles and keep it stored for further use
  2. Hot oil therapy is all for detangling/dyed hair/chemically processed hair/colored hair
  3. Suitable for all types of hair(straight/curly/wavy)

For any dermatological issue, please consult a doctor.

Anyapurba Sarkar (Annie)

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(DISCLAIMER:-Kindly note I am not a medical professional. Please consult a dermatologist for any serious medical condition or before applying anything on Face,Hair or body)



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