Home People of Qatar Gazal-The Journey of a Fashion Blogger

Gazal-The Journey of a Fashion Blogger


Can you tell me about yourself and your blog?

     Iam Gazal, A blogger, fashion designer , Indian based in Qatar. I started blogging with the name of GZALVOGUE in 2014 where I used to share my fashion and styling sense, but we had to change the name in 2017 due to a legal issues with the Vogue magazine . So I and my team took the decision of changing the name and thats how IAMGAZAL came to existence. Now my prime focus isn’t just to promote fashion and lifestyle via my blog, I want people to become the better version of themselves and thats why I  timely updates about my experience and knowledge. One shouldn’t be dependent on just materialistic needs, but also family and self growth is important. 

 Describe how did you first get into blogging (blogger’s journey)?

   I will be honest, I wanted to launch my own fashion label, blogging was never on my mind, it just happened to me.

 I used to post my travel and styling photos on my Instagram, gradually I started noticing more people from Qatar were joining me, who liked my styling and the way i captured my photos. Though I started posting photos to kill my time, I started loving what I was doing and the kind of response I was getting. Thats when I thought of taking it to professional level and  invested my time to find out the ways where my work can look more professional and appealing to the brands, this is how my blogging began.

Can you tell me some of your strengths that really helped you in blogging?

I have a fashion background and was into styling before I even started my fashion designing. I feel that I have a good sense of color combination which really helped me to to get noticed by the brands. I have a habit of waking up early in the morning where I always have enough time to write article and plan my shoots which makes my  everyday work very easy. I also like to learn new things, which helped me to learn photography , videography and editing which is the most essential part in blogging world.

How would you describe your blogging style and how does your work reflect India and Indian culture?

 My blog is for the people who like to keep it simple and elegant.  If you are somebody who likes effortless style and simple living then for sure you’re gonna love joining me on my blog. 

Did you start blogging from India?

 I started blogging in 2014 from Doha. I don’t have much followings from India as Iam based in Qatar but I have lot of followings from Indians who are based in Doha and GCC.

How does Indian community find your work in Qatar?

When I started blogging in Qatar there were not many Indian fashion bloggers. So whenever Indian’s based in GCC or Qatar would come across my blog they would follow me and always write a note to me, mentioning that they feel proud of me and like the way Iam growing in Arab country.  Some of them leave a thank you note to me after reading my blog specially where I share my thoughts and views which has boosted their confidence and cleared many of their doubts which they generally see after moving to an Arab country.

What do you think is the best strategy that worked well for you to get more traffic to your blog in Qatar?

 The only thing has which worked for is me is the quality content and  honest reviews. 

 Tell me about your proudest achievement?

 Its my blog IAMGAZAL. Before starting my blog I was enjoying the identity of a mother and a wife. But Iamgazal has given me the platform where I can flaunt what I liked the most. It has given me the power of speaking my mind and sharing my thoughts with thousands of people. Through this blog I  have made good amount of money that I have already bought an apartment in India I also invested in a commercial property so you can imagine how proud moment it could be for me. All thanks to the people who have supported my blog. My followers are just not my followers. Now we all have become one family and no matter what they have always shown their tremendous support to me.

Who has impacted you most in blogging and how? 

 When I Started blogging I was very inspire by the work of Rhea Gupte. I took lot of inspiration from her work to set up my blog. 

          What is your greatest achievement outside of blogging?

 I feel authenticity is not very common these days and keeping up with that can be an great achievement for anyone and I always try to be authentic in all areas of my life. Because it is a consistent reminder to me that where I have come from, where I am going and who I will always be.          

How much time do you spend blogging? How active are you on a weekly basis? How often do you communicate with your followers?

 I work 4 days a week on my blog. I totally keep my self away on weekend until and unless its shoot which can be done only on weekends. I regularly communicate with my followers by replying to their emails messages and comments. 

Would you encourage other people to make their blog?

Blogging is a booming industry right now. Everyone wants to be part of this community as it has name, fame and good amount of money. But at the same time its a very committing job. People might think blogging is easy but its not that easy, in  reality sometimes to create one noticeable post you spend hours or days. For some people blogging doesn’t work as the kind of commitment and consistency it demands. its not easy to deliver. So if you are somebody new and truly passionate about blogging . You need to know whats your style and stick with that. Being different is very important and not doing what others are already doing. Fresh and  different works are best for any blog. Be honest, don’t compromise or play with the trust of your followers. By sticking with quality content you can confirm a long term journey.

 Who takes the majority of your photos?

 Its never one person I always work with new photographers. Sometimes I do my own photography I have learnt it from my husband he is an amazing photographer but due to his work commitment he hardly gets time to continue with his hobby.

Which brands you collaborated with?

 I have collaborated with many brands like, Rolls Royce, Massimo Dutti, Victoria Secrets, Master Card, Hyundai, Malabar gold and diamonds, Redtag, UDC, to name a few.

How would you describe your personal style.

My personal style is more like keeping it minimum and effortless. 

  What would you say that is the greatest satisfaction of being a fashion blogger? (Invitations to fashion events, interaction with people, gifts, etc.)

Interaction with people on my blog. Specially who are  extremely supportive for me in my journey.

IamGazal Mgazal Shaikh

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