There are going to be 2 big photography skill events soon. If you are passionate about photography and want to show your talent to the world, get ready to showcase your talent. Take part in Qatar’s renounced photography project Tasweer.
Event 1
The Sheikh Saoud Al Thani Single Image Award:
This is the event which is open for all the photographers of Residents of Western Asia and North Africa. They can submit a SINGLE photographic image for this annual award. The picture should represent their personal story with experience. The Award winners will get the chance to exhibit their single images in an online exhibition, nighttime projections, outdoor public projection, and screen-based experiences in Doha. Also their work will get covered in FREE printed magazine form. All this installation is part of the Tasweer 2021 event. All this will be present at the inauguration time of Tasweer photo fest which will be in March-May 2021. Along with this, Awardees will collaborate with HMC (Hamad Medical Corporation) to enhance the hospital environment. They will get a chance to exhibit art in Qatar’s public hospitals too.
Important dates:
- Open call: 10 october 2020
- Close call: 8 november 2020
- Jury deliberation: december 2020
- Contact to Award winners: January 2021
- Public announcement of Awars winners: March 2021
- Exhibition and installation: March 2021
Necessary requirements:
- Submitted image file should be in jpeg, tiff and png form not more than 2000 pixels.
- The image filename to be formatted before submitting should be in this format: participant last name_title of the artwork, such as Khanen_thelight
Event 2
The Sheikh Saoud Al Thani Project Award: This is also for photographers who are residents of Western Asia and North Africa region. This auspicious grand annual award will fetch an amount of QAR 30,000/ awardee, which will help the winner in supporting the initiation and further enhancement or completion of their respective photographic project. The winners will get the chance to exhibit their work at the inaugural event of Tasweer photo fest and also they will be allowed to take part in a public programme of the same, in March-May 2021.
The awardees will be chosen by prestigious Jurors. The jurors for the event are:
- Khalifa Ahmad Al Obaidly (Director, Tasweer)
- Maryam Hassan Al-Thani (Curator, Tasweer)
- Charlotte Cotton (Artistic Director, Tasweer)
- Sheikha Sara Al-Thani (Sheikh Saoud Al Thani Awards)
- Sheikha Shaikha Al-Thani (Qatar Photographic Society)
The awardee will be given an invitation to work with Tasweer’s Curatorial team. They will be allowed to exhibit their project work in Doha at Tasweer 2021 exhibition in person as well as online during march-may 2021. Also they will get a chance to get their project published in free Magazine dedicated for the event. The winners will have a golden chance to work with the Tasweer team to enhance programming and workshops. They will be interviewed by Tasweer curator for an English and Arabic language long-form text about them and their photographic practices. Last but not the least, there will be a Short film made by Tasweer and DFI (Doha Film Institute) on the creative journey of the award winner.
Important dates:
- Open call: 10 october 2020
- Close call: 24 November 2020
- Contact with award winners: January 2021
- Public announcement of winner: March 2021
- Exhibition opens: march 2021
Necessary requirements:
- Participants can upload upto 20 images in jpeg, tiff or png format, with the condition that each image should NOT be more than 2000 pixels.
- Each image filename should be in the format last name_title of artwork such as Khanen_theligh1, Khanen_thelight2… It should be consecutive.
- Biography of the photographer should be of max. 150 words.
- The submitted photographic project description should be of max. 250 words.
- The planning of how to use the grant of Sheikh Saoud Al Thani Project Award amount in initiation and further development or new project in 2021 should be described in max. of 300 words.
The above News is shared by
Ankita Baheti