Home Business Qatar Petroleum is now QatarEnergy

Qatar Petroleum is now QatarEnergy


Doha: Qatar Petroleum is now QatarEnergy stated a statement mailed to the employees of the company.

In an email from the corporate communications, the company made this announcement of the new brand identity.

The employees were the first to hear of this change that also included a new slogan Your Energy Transition Partner.

In a video shared on social media, Minister of State for Energy HE Saad Sherida Al Kaabi announces the change of the name along with the new slogan.

Apart from the brand name and the slogan, the company also has a new logo.

In a press conference, the Minister of State for Energy revealed the brand name and the logo. He further added that this change reflects a new strategy that will focus on energy efficiency and environment-friendly technology such as CO2 sequestration

The official Twitter handle of the company was also changed to QatarEnergy @qatar_energy.


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