Home General Guidelines on Gatherings by MOPH

Guidelines on Gatherings by MOPH

Image processed by CodeCarvings Piczard ### FREE Community Edition ### on 2021-04-13 18:32:24Z | |

The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), on Twitter, clarified guidelines on gatherings.

“Following the announcement of additional restrictions last Wednesday as part of the COVID-19 measures, the Ministry of Public Health confirms the below guidance,” MoPH said in a statement on Twitter.

– No indoor gatherings are permitted apart from families living in the same house

– An individual, or family (including children) from the same household, can go to parks, beaches and public spaces and perform activities including running, walking, swimming and cycling, but they cannot sit down together, have picnics or gather with others.

– For outdoor gatherings, these are only permitted within the outdoor home environment (gardens and outdoor home areas) for the following:
– Gatherings of family members living in the same household
– Gatherings of up to five fully vaccinated individuals (14 days after second dose)

The Ministry also stressed on the importance of adhering to preventive measures such as:

– Always wear a mask when you go outside your home

– Maintain at least 1.5m distance from others

– Avoid crowded places and limit time in enclosed spaces

– Wash your hands regularly


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