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Breaking News-Update regarding the policy of testing and quarantine upon arrival in Qatar within the travel and return policy of the State of Qatar


The below updated travel and return policy will come into effect starting Wednesday 6 October 2021.​


General policy:

  1. Qatar has classified countries into two lists, Green and Red, in addition to a secondary list of Exceptional Red Countries based on international and local health risk indicators and the epidemiology of Covid-19 in the different countries.
  2. Citizens and residents can travel abroad at any time provided that the travel and return policy is adhered to when returning to Qatar.
  3. The Ministry of Public Health advises citizens and residents to comply with COVID-19 health measures currently in place in the country of arrival.
  4. Travelers are responsible for keeping up to date with changes to the travel and return policy through official sources before planning to travel to Qatar.
  5. Travelers must comply with Qatar’s COVID-19 procedures to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
  6. The Ministry of Public Health continuously checks and monitors travelers returning from abroad in order to maintain public health. Note that, travelers may be subject to random testing upon arrival in Qatar.​
  7. Non-residents of Qatar must register via the pre-registration platform on  www.ehteraz.gov.qa website and upload all relevant documents such as PCR  test  result, vaccine certificate and other relevant documents at least 3 days before arrival. Although pre-registration is optional for citizens and residents of Qatar, the Ministry of Public Health recommends that all individuals entering Qatar pre-register to ensure the best experience upon arrival in Qatar.
  8. Travelers should download the Ehteraz mobile application and activate it on their mobile phones using a local or international SIM card.
  9. All passengers must sign an Undertaking and Acknowledgement Form​ before arriving in Qatar. The form is available on the Ministry of Public Health website, pre-registration platform website (www.ehteraz.gov.qa​) and airline online booking form. Citizens and residents who are fully vaccinated inside the State of Qatar arriving from one of the Green List countries are exempt from this requirement.
  10. Travelers must take a PCR test result at a medical center accredited by the health authorities in the country of departure. The test result must be negative and must be done 72 hours before arrival in Qatar. (Please see the PCR policy for more detailed guidance.)
  11. Travelers should check the quarantine policy for detailed guidance according to the country of arrival classification.
  12. In the case of home quarantine, accommodation conditions must be appropriate, and if the property does not comply with the conditions mentioned in the undertaking, the traveler must book the hotel quarantine package through Discover Qatar’s website before travelling to Qatar.
  13. Travelers arriving in Qatar should go to the COVID-19 test clinic at the access port in case of any COVID-19-related symptoms and take the necessary isolation measures.
  14. These policies apply to arrivals across all Qatar entry points.
  15. Below is a list of recognized and conditionally recognized vaccines by the Ministry of Public Health:
Recognized Vaccines Conditionally Recognized vaccines*
  • Pfizer / BioNTech (Comirnaty) – Two Doses
  • Sinopharm vaccine  – Two Doses
  • Moderna (SpikeVax) – Two Doses
  • Sinovac  – Two Doses
  • AstraZeneca (Covishield / Oxford / Vaxzevria​) – Two Doses
  • Sputnik V  – Two Doses
  • Jansen / Johnson & Johnson (only one dose)
  1. ​*Serology Antibody test with a positive result is mandatory before travelling to Qatar for people with two doses of a conditionally approved vaccines and 14 days after the second dose, in which case only the traveler will be considered fully immune.
  2. *People who have received two doses of a conditionally approved vaccine followed by one dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine and after 14 days from the last dose will be considered fully immune.
  3. Travelers who are fully immunized outside Qatar with a vaccine recognized by the Ministry of Public Health of Qatar are required to submit the original vaccine certificate and other supporting documents written in Arabic or English proving that they have obtained the vaccine, as follows:
    • The name of the traveler must be identical to that on the passport.
    • Dose dates by vaccine type (one dose for Jansen vaccine and two doses for other vaccines).
    • Type/name of vaccine.
    • The serial number of the vaccine batch (if any).

Travelers who have recovered from COVID-19  ​

  1. For citizens and residents of Qatar who have recovered from COVID-19 infection, or those from any GCC country who have recovered from the virus who have subsequently received at least one dose of a vaccine recognized by the Ministry of Public Health, the immunity period for a person recovered from COVID-19 is 12 months starting from the 14th day of the date of recovery, or 14 days after receiving the vaccine dose in case of recovery.
  2. Travelers recovered from COVID-19 in any GCC country must provide an official certificate confirming the previous COVID-19 infection and vaccination status.


Policies for those coming from Green list countries ​

Group A: Citizens, GCC citizens and residents of Qatar
Quarantine policy​ Test policy​
A. Travelers who are fully vaccinated by a vaccine recognized by the Ministry of Public Health:

The following categories will be exempt from quarantine:​

  • Everyone aged 12 years and above.
  • Children aged 11 years and accompanied by one or both of their parents/family members who are fully vaccinated.​
After arrival: 
Conduct a PCR test within 36 hours of arriving in Qatar as follows:
  • Citizens and residents: Go to one of the Primary Health Care Corporation health centers or a private clinic/hospital.
  • GCC citizens:  Go to one of the private clinics/hospitals licensed by the Ministry of Public Health to conduct the PCR test.
  • Children under the age of (4) are excluded from this test procedure.​
B. Passengers who are not vaccinated or who have not completed the necessary vaccination doses:
Passengers will undergo home quarantine for 7 days, as follows:
  • Everyone who has not completed the required vaccine doses.
  • GCC citizens (non-residents) coming to stay with first-degree relatives residing in Qatar (on the condition that they provide proof of the relationship and national address data).
Before arrival: 
  • Undergo a PCR test with a negative result 72 hours before arrival in Qatar

After arrival: 

  • A PCR test is required on the sixth day of quarantine and the individual will be released on the seventh day if the result of the COVID-19 test is negative.
  • Citizens and residents: Go to one of the Primary Health Care Corporation health centers or a private clinic/hospital.
  • GCC citizens:  Go to one of the private clinics/hospitals.


Group B: Visitors to Qatar:


Quarantine policy​ Test policy​
A. Travelers who are fully vaccinated by a vaccine recognized by the Ministry of Public Health:

The following categories will be exempt from quarantine:​

  • Travelers​ aged 12 years and above.
  • Children aged 11 years and accompanied by one or both of their parents/family members who are fully vaccinated.
Before arrival: 
  • Undergo a PCR test with a negative result 72 hours before arrival in Qatar.
B. Unvaccinated travelers or those who have not completed the necessary vaccination doses:
Passengers will undergo home quarantine for 7 days, as follows:
  • First-degree relatives including children under the age of 18 (pre-issued family visas).
Before arrival: 
  • Undergo a PCR test with a negative result 72 hours before arrival in Qatar

After arrival: 

  • A PCR test is required on the sixth day of quarantine and the individual will be released on the seventh day if the result of the COVID-19 test is negative.

C. Unvaccinated travelers or those who have not completed the necessary vaccination doses:
Travelers will undergo hotel quarantine for 7 days, as follows:
  • All types of visas except Category B​.

Important note:  A positive Serology Antibody test pre-travel is mandatory for individuals with two doses of a conditionally recognized vaccine, with the validity of the test being 30 days.​


Policies for those coming from RED list countries ​

Group A: Citizens, GCC citizens and residents of Qatar
Quarantine policy​ Test policy​
A. Travelers who are fully vaccinated by a vaccine recognized by the Ministry of Public Health:

The following categories will be exempt from quarantine:​

  • Travelers aged 12 years and above.
Before arrival: 
  • Undergo a PCR test with a negative result 72 hours before arrival in Qatar


After arrival: 
  • Have a PCR test within 36 hours of arriving in Qatar in a Primary Health Care Corporation health center or a private clinic/hospital.
B. Passengers who are not vaccinated or who have not completed the necessary vaccination doses:
The following categories will be subject to home quarantine for 7 days as follows: ​
  • Travelers aged 12 years and above.
  • Children aged 11 years and under.
  • GCC citizens (non-residents) coming to stay with first-degree relatives residing in Qatar (on the condition that they provide proof of the relationship and national address data).
Before arrival: 
  • Undergo a PCR test with a negative result 72 hours before arrival in Qatar

After arrival: 

  • A PCR test is required on the sixth day of quarantine and the individual will be released on the seventh day if the result of the COVID-19 test is negative.
  • Citizens and residents: Undergo the testing in a Primary Health Care Corporation health center or a private clinic/hospital.
  • GCC citizens (non-residents):  Undergo the testing at a private clinic/hospital licensed by the Ministry of Public Health.


Group B: Visitors to Qatar:


Quarantine policy​ Test policy​
A. Travelers who are fully vaccinated by a vaccine recognized by the Ministry of Public Health:

The following categories will be subject to hotel quarantine for two days or until the test result appears:

  • Travelers aged 12 and above.
  • Children aged 11 years and under (non-vaccinated) accompanied by or both of their parents/family members who are fully vaccinated.
The following categories will be subject to hotel quarantine for two days or until the test result appears:
  • First-degree relatives, including children less than (18) years of age arriving to Qatar.​
After arrival: 
  • A PCR test on arrival at the quarantine hotel​
​B. Unvaccinated travelers or those who have not completed the necessary vaccination doses:
The following categories will be subject to home quarantine for 7 days:  
  • First-degree relatives, including children under the age of 18 (pre-issued family visas).​
The following categories will be subject to hotel quarantine for 7 days:
  • Holders of all types of visas except (pre-issued family visas).
Before arrival: 
  • Undergo a PCR test with a negative result 72 hours before arrival in Qatar

After arrival: 

  • A PCR test is required on the sixth day of quarantine and the individual will be released on the seventh day if the result of the COVID-19 test is negative.

Important note:  A positive Serology Antibody test pre-travel is mandatory for individuals with two doses of a conditionally recognized vaccine, with the validity of the test being 30 days.​

Policies for those coming from the Exceptional Red List countries:

  • India
  • Philippines
  • Nepal
  • Bangladesh
  • Sri Lanka
  • Pakistan
  • Indonesia
  • Kenya
  • Sudan​​​
Group A: Citizens, GCC citizens and residents of Qatar
Quarantine policy​ Test policy​
A. Travelers who are fully vaccinated by a vaccine recognized by the Ministry of Public Health:

The following categories will be subject to hotel quarantine for two days:​

  • Travelers aged 12 years and above.
  • Children aged 11 years and accompanied by one or both of their parents/family members who are fully vaccinated.
Before arrival: 
  • Undergo a PCR test with a negative result 72 hours before arrival in Qatar


After arrival: 
Conduct a PCR test within 36 hours of arriving in Qatar as follows:
  • Have a PCR test at the quarantine hotel.
    Serology Antibody test at the quarantine hotel for vaccinated persons outside Qatar with one of the vaccines approved by the Ministry of Public Health.
B. Passengers who are not vaccinated or who have not completed the necessary vaccination doses:
This category will be subject to hotel quarantine for 7 days.​
Before arrival: 
  • Undergo a PCR test with a negative result 72 hours before arrival in Qatar

After arrival: 

  • ​A PCR test is required on the sixth day of quarantine and the individual will be released on the seventh day if the result of the COVID-19 test is negative.​


Group B: Visitors to Qatar:

Quarantine policy​​​ Test policy​​
Visa holders (of all kinds):
A. Fully vaccinated travelers:
​The following categories will be subject to hotel quarantine for two days:
  • People aged 12 years and above who are fully vaccinated.
  • Children aged 11 years and under (non-vaccinated) accompanied by one or both of their parents/family members who are fully vaccinated.
Before arrival:
  • Undergo a PCR test with a negative result 72 hours before arrival in Qatar.
After arrival:
  • Have a PCR test at the quarantine hotel.​
  • Serology Antibody test at the quarantine hotel for vaccinated persons outside Qatar with one of the vaccines approved by the Ministry of Public Health.
B. Unvaccinated travelers – entry is not allowed​

Important note:  A positive Serology Antibody test pre-travel is mandatory for individuals with two doses of a conditionally recognized vaccine, with the validity of the test being 30 days.​​

​Ehteraz application policies:

  • Passengers travelling to Qatar must download and activate the Ehteraz app on their mobile devices upon arrival at Qatar’s entry ports. To do so, the traveler must have the following:
    1. SIM card from one of Qatar’s service providers (Ooredoo or Vodafone) or an international SIM card.
    2. Mobile internet connection.
    3. The smartphone should support Android 6, newer versions or IOS 13.5 and later versions.
    4. Download and install the app on the mobile phone either via Google Play, Apple App Store or from any online search engines.
    5. SIM cards and smartphones are available for purchase at Hamad International Airport and Abu Samra border crossing if the passenger does not own them before arrival.​
  • Diplomats, administrative card holders and VIP visitors arriving on official state visits are excluded from this measure.
  • The Health Status on the Eheterz app will remain yellow throughout the quarantine period, until the result of the COVID-19 test comes out negative in accordance with the above quarantine policy.
  • The Heath Status on the Ehteraz mobile app for fully vaccinated persons in Qatar will remain green with a golden frame to indicate that they are excluded from quarantine if the result of the PCR test is negative and that they have completed 14 days from the date of the prescribed doses of the vaccine.
  • The Health Status for citizens and residents who have received the vaccine outside Qatar will remain green without a golden frame until their vaccine data is updated in the system.
  • The Health Status on the Ehteraz app for visitors who have received the vaccine outside Qatar will remain green without a golden frame until their vaccine data is updated in the system.​

Passengers returning from Umrah:

  • Citizens and residents arriving from Umrah who are unable to obtain a valid PCR test from the departure country are allowed to board their flights provided they undergo a PCR  test upon arrival at Hamad International Airport or Abu Samra border crossing for a specific fee for each test.
  • According to Saudi Arabia’s rules, only people who receive vaccine doses licensed by the Ministry of Public Health can perform Umrah and visit Mecca.
  • People planning to travel to Umrah should review the policies and procedures announced by the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs.

COVID-19 tests cost:

Type of Test Cost Per Test
PCR Test QR 160
 Rapid Antigen QR 50
Serology Antibody test QR 50​

Countries based on Level of COVID-19 Risk

Green List Countries
RED Lis​t ​Co​untries
Exceptional Red List Countries

For More Information visit 



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