Home Events Three day Virtual Waste Recycling Workshop by Istidama

Three day Virtual Waste Recycling Workshop by Istidama


Istidama provides consultancy, research and auditing services related to achieving a circular economy in line with Qatar’s National Vision 2030, extracting resources, and tracking the achievement of sustainable development goals (especially in the field of waste treatment) to governments, international and national institutions and companies. Istidama is the first company in Qatar to become a member of the International Solid Waste Organization (ISWA), the largest gathering of experts and consultants in the field of solid waste management and treatment in the world.

Istidama in collaboration with Doha Expo, ERF, Marafeq, Elite, ISWA and Seashore Recycling are hosting a three day virtual Waste Recycling Workshop that is scheduled on 25th, 26th and 27th of October, 2021 at 11:00AM-12:00PM each day. It is one-hour for each of the three days targeting the general public, waste facility managers, personnel and members of environmental groups. Our goal is to build awareness within the waste generator community on importance of recycling and waste segregation that could help protect us and the future generations. These workshops will cover the following topics: resource recovery on day one, waste sorting on day two, and plastic recycling on the final day.

All registrations can be done through this link here.

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