Home General Used Books Exchange Programmes in Doha by Community Associations

Used Books Exchange Programmes in Doha by Community Associations


Doha: In the coming days, many Indian Associations will be organising CBSE book exchange programmes where parents can exchange their children’s old schoolbooks for the new academic year.

Donated books, grade 4 onwards, from all CBSE schools in Qatar will be arranged grade wise and school wise by volunteers, who will assist parents looking to take used books for the new academic year.

Apart from academic books, these exchange programmes will also include novels, story books, reference books, entrance exam books, etc.

Kerala Women’s Initiative Qatar in association with Indian Cultural Centre will have its Pusthak Mela (book exchange programme) at Ashoka Hall between March 26 and 28, 2022. On March 26, the venue will be open from 12 pm to 9 pm, while on 27 and 28 from 4 pm to 9 pm.

Donations for books will be accepted in ICC on March 24 and 25 between 6pm and 8pm, on March 26 from 12pm to 8pm and on March 27 from 4pm to 8pm. For more info, contact 5537 3525 / 7701 2808

Nadumuttam Bookswap 2022 has organised its book swap at Culture Forum Hall in Nuaija as per schools from March 19 to 21, 2022. On March 19, 2022, MES and Springfield schoolbooks can be swapped between 3 pm and 6 pm, while that of BPS and Pearl School will be on the same day between 6 pm and 9 pm. On March 20, 2022 DPS, Monarch and Rajagiri schools bookswap will be from 3 pm to 6 pm, while from 6 pm to 9 pm will be for DMIS, Olive and Scholars. Meanwhile bookswap for Ideal School, Shantiniketan and Loyola will be held on March 21 from 3 pm to 6 pm. There will be a final all school swap from 7 pm to 9 pm. For details contact: 33877265 / 33115406

Apart from the above two, Thiruvanathapuram Residents Association Qatar also has a book, stationery and uniform exchange programme for those from grades 1 to 12. The uniforms for donation should be in good condition and should be washed and ironed. This exchange program is being conducted through whatsapp and the association can be contacted on 70142757.


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