Home People of Qatar Emad-Story of an Educator making a difference through Play

Emad-Story of an Educator making a difference through Play


(1) How would you like to Introduce yourself?

I am E.M.A.D. Educator Making A Difference. The long version involving art, engineering, entrepreneurship, creativity and LEGO can be easily learnt from my personal website and public profiles.

(2) Tell Me Something About Your Family & How they have Supported you in achieving your Dream?

My family is a blessing and have been a great support throughout my journey. They have instilled many values in me from a young age such as integrity and hard work. They value education and have given me a great life which I’m truly grateful for.

(3) What was the best gift you ever got as a child?

LEGO set of a gas station.

(4)  One of the craziest thing you have done in your life 

Paddling with my brother to safety after a wave flipped our kayak in deep waters between islands in Thailand. That was a defining moment to see how we react when confronted with danger. We laugh about it now!


(5) What do you love most about yourself?

I have a strong moral compass, creativity and a strong desire to leave a positive impact before I die.


(6) Tell me about your hobbies.

Traveling, reading, trying new things and having deep conversations.

(7) If your life was a novel, what would be the title and how would your story end?

The novel would be titled “E.M.A.D. Educator Making A Difference. It would end with “to be continued …”

(8) Tell me about the journey of  Play Meetup.

PLAY MEETUP is a social initiative that helps people connect and create more meaningful connections through PLAY. It utilizes the power of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology to create a unique experience where strangers play, build, share stories, reflect and make meaningful connections!

Play Meetup (@playmeetup) started as an experiment! I wanted to test if total strangers would meet in a public cafe and undergo a unique playful experience that can create meaningful connections. It worked! From there I have conducted so many Play Meetups and I did not stop.

(9) What has inspired you to start a play meetup?

The need to create meaningful connections in a time that people are well connected on various platforms but more disconnected inside than ever. I believe that Play Meetup can create positive social change and help regain the lost deep human connection we all crave.

(10) How do you define LEGO in your own words?

LEGOs are plastic building blocks. However, LEGO becomes a language and an incredible tool when used in LEGO Serious Play methodology. After becoming certified in the method, I see LEGO in a very different context and I try to engage others to see LEGO from their own lens.

(11)When you are 80-years-old, what will matter to you the most?

I suppose having my family and friends around me. I guess I will find out what really matters if I reach 80.

(12) If you could instill one piece of advice in a newborn baby’s mind, what advice would you give?

Live life and write your own story.

(13) How do you want to help society?

I want to help society become more connected, playful, empathetic and collaborative.

(14) A Few words about Qatar & how this place has helped you in fulfilling your dreams?

Qatar is an incredible place that enabled me to meet amazing people, build my career and feel grateful for all the opportunities I encountered.

(15) What message do you want to give to our viewers?

Human connections are not simply a “LIKE” or “FOLLOW” button. They are deep, playful, meaningful and so precious. I’m happy to connect with you … starting with a LEGO brick 🙂

(16) A Fews Lines about Essence of Qatar.(Our Website) as well as People of Qatar Series.

Congratulations on your great efforts and keep sharing stories that inspire and connect us as humans in Qatar.

Emad Saif



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